A tiny slice of my life

This is a look at my life, and the many things I try to learn and do.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Finally Some Quilting Finishes ...

Finally I am getting somewhere with all the half finished quilt tops. Now this isn't a bad thing except as I empty my baskets I try to put away the leftover fabric and to my horror "tongue in cheek" I have found my fabric cupboard is full to over flowing.

Now when I mentioned this to Mr CLI he thought another cupboard was needed to take the overflow, now aren't I lucky because little does he realise to quilter a half full cupboard is a challenge to be filled.

Here are some of my finishes or finished as far as I can go at the moment.



Sarah Fielke's mystery quilt. I have finished the first 5 blocks. Blocks 6-8 are cut out but I ran out of white fabric, which I have now got so after this post I will be cutting and sewing them.


"Traffic Jam" by Pat Sloan using scraps, sadly I had previously hand cut all the little 2 1/2" squares to use as leaders and Enders. Why sadly it just shows what I spend my time on. No cost for this quilt except the grey.

Now I have never used grey in quilt before yet this is the second quilt this year I have used grey!

Now these 9 blocks are for a "Swoon" quilt by Thimble Blossoms. I was going to hand stitch these but the restrictions of my arm, yes I am still in pain & still waiting to have an MRI on my neck to find the cause of the pain, so reverted back to the sewing by machine.

Now these blocks are whoppers, 25 1/2" square, most blocks are only 12 1/2" so there was serious sewing. Now I just have to sew them together!


That's it for today till next time have a happy day.

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